Check Your Gear– First Quarter Review


You take a deep breath and feel the wind in your face and the sound of your team calling out directions, giving their input on how to tackle the current climb. Moving your hands and feet in perfect harmony, you glance down and notice your ropes have too much slack and your gear is no longer pinned between the cracks. Your team tries heroically to reach the summit under these conditions to no avail. As you push forward, you notice your team getting tired and unmotivated. You come to the realization that reaching the summit of this mountain will take longer than any other climb because the quality of your tools cannot support the current needs of the team.

Don’t let this happen to your organization! Let this first quarter review be the time where to examine all of your equipment and ensure its proper function. Without re-evaluating your gear, you will always struggle to reach the top.

At the start of every year, employees and employers alike tend to make resolutions that are difficult to maintain for future months. Companies hold off until December to begin the task of HR audits and implementing any major change. However, the spring and summer seasons are the perfect time to move back on track, reorganize your organization, and complete any tasks pushed off to the side. Utilizing this crucial period to prepare for the future helps direct your company into proper alignment for climbing great heights and reaching your goals!

~Eric Miller, MP